Your Style = Your Brand
The past few posts we’ve been talking lots about branding. All that comes right on the heels of my post entitled: “How to NOT get hung up on branding.” A little ironic, don’t ya think?
Can you tell *just a little* where I’m at in my own business journey?
Ok. Coming clean, guys. These posts were a bit of a self-help series. As well as (hopefully) an entrepreneurial time capsule.
Because the truth is, you have to start somewhere.
And while I may not be an expert on all things branding and business, I have spent the last 3.5 years of my life working toward starting two different businesses (one brick and mortar + one digital).
So. Take this branding “series” advice with a grain of salt. And apply it how you see fit.
A tempting mistake...that I made twice
The inspiration for this branding “series” of posts was my own realization that I was falling into the brand trap for the second time (in as many years). Branding is SO important.
But not more so than your business getting started.
I wanted all the things in place before starting...both with our school startup and with Cambrya Writes. After all, that’s what all the experts said to do.
But every expert has their thing that’s the most important, can’t do without, business must-have. And if you add them all up, there are about one million must-haves before starting your business.
Ya know what? Just start.
Experience is the greatest teacher
Starting - even amid thousands of doubts and questions - is what I’ve found to be the single best business strategy. Don’t look for any deep thoughts or profound advice here.
Business strategy and branding are constantly evolving pieces of the entrepreneurial journey (*she said from her three whole years of experience*). Unavoidably, you will change, correct, grow, and pivot in your business...assuming you stay at it for more than a week.
But do you really know what you want your business and brand to be without getting your hands dirty a little bit first?
A static entrepreneur isn’t going to be an entrepreneur for very long. So set the bar somewhere...anywhere, and as high as you can right now.
And with a dynamic attitude, resist the urge to listen to the ever-nagging perfectionist inside your head. And grow.
A few things I’m not sorry about
Once you adopt that growth mindset attitude, be ready to give yourself loads of grace. With all the advice out there, assess what’s for you...and what’s not.
I tried these things, but they’re just not for me. And if I tried to cram myself into these boxes, I’d never have gotten this business off the ground.
Are you finding yourself in a similar situation? Give yourself permission to scribble that one off your list. (I’m all about pencil/paper checklists, and I so love checking things off. But if something sits on my list for more than a few weeks, I usually scribble it out. It’s just not going to happen….right now.)
⟿ Instagram posting -
Not my style. Not for my brand. I tried it. You can even go check out my Instagram page. OK, no, actually, don’t. I just don’t like it enough to give it that much of my time. Even with minimal posting, I felt like a slave to it and I didn’t like it. So I had to let it go. Can I change my mind in the future? Sure. But I doubt that’ll happen.
⟿ Social Media -
I guess that attitude goes for all social media in general. A half-hearted attempt is the best I could give any of the platforms. I finally had to admit that it isn’t for me right now, and that’s ok (despite what most good, experienced advice tells me).
⟿ Digitizing everything -
I’m seeing a trend here. But no, as much as I love apps like Trello and Later, they just weren’t there for me the same way my trusty old planner is. Paper planner. Like the old fashioned kind you write on. With a pencil. A real pencil. With carbon lead in it. (Ticonderoga all the way.) Or my color-coded PaperMate flair pens. Nothing beats it.
⟿ Full brand package -
This one comes with a big asterisk. I realize how important a brand is, and I respect that as well as branding experts. But many people (probably most people) don’t have the thousands of dollars it often takes to get this done upfront. So I’m plowing forward with some DIY branding that I know will change in the future. And I’m ok with that.
⟿ Click-bait Headlines -
Do they get clicks? Sure. Do I click? Often. Do I like them? No. I believe in saying what you want to say. And if people want to read what you want to say, then it’s a great match. If readers are only clicking because the title tricked them, then they aren’t true readers. And I don’t want that representing my open rates. I’m here for the real stuff.
And that’s my whole point in this post, I suppose. If your brand is going to be real, true, and authentic, then it needs to be in line with your own style. Then your readers, clients, and customers will associate you with the “real deal.”
And I believe that’s what successfully and sustainably grows a business. Honesty, integrity, and real.